No One Cares What School You Went To

Nowadays the biggest lie is that the place you graduated from matters, it doesn’t.

Jacob K Thomas
5 min readJan 4, 2022
Vector by Pikisuperstar from Freekpiks

“I honestly haven’t found anybody that cares about where I went to school.”

This might sound hard to believe, but no one cares that you went to that great college or university that has left you in thousands of dollars in debt. I know, you feel like you spent all those years at *insert school here* so it would mean something, but it doesn’t. No one cares.

You know what people do care about, your production level at your job. What you are able to bring to the table at the job you were hired to do. The majority of people doing the hiring are looking at what you can do for them, not that you went to that great school.

The Wall Street Journal did a profile a few months back on how Baylor University steered low-income parents into debt that they couldn’t afford. The reason so many of these parents ended up going into debt was because they wanted their kids to go to a great university instead of a community college. The parents felt like it was better to start at a university like Baylor, rather than transfer thereafter taking the lower-cost route of community college.



Jacob K Thomas
Jacob K Thomas

Written by Jacob K Thomas

Writer. Cook. Traveler. Photographer. Featured on the Food Network and newspapers around America.

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