Photo by Sergey Galushko from

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I was talking to a friend of mine who was expecting his first child. He told me he was doing Dry January because he had drunk enough in December, not to mention he wanted to be prepared and always ready since his wife was going to be due in the coming weeks. I told him, I probably wasn’t going to stop drinking this year in January because I’ve done it in the past and I wasn’t drinking that much in general, so I didn’t see a point. Once I said that and thought about it, I thought, “Why not just stop for a month?” That was the middle of January, now it’s April, which means I’ve done 30 days of not drinking, along with not drinking during lent, I’m not a real religious person, but it is a date to keep up with during the season.

It wasn’t until I really stopped to think about what I was doing and why was I doing it, did I start to analyze my real question. Why and how did I stop drinking for what is now over almost 80 days and counting? It took me a minute to understand why I stopped drinking. The reasons weren’t the normal things I’ve read on different websites. For instance, these are some from one website:

  • You often feel the need to have a drink,
  • You get into trouble because of your drinking,
  • Other people warn you about how much you’re drinking,
  • You think your drinking is causing you problems.

In looking and comparing my reasons to the ones above, this is how I compare.

You often feel the need to have a drink

I pretty much never feel the “need” to drink. When the pandemic started, and I was always at home. I would have a drink here or there, but I had a schedule for when I would drink. It would look like, a cocktail or beer on a Thursday, a cocktail on Friday, beer on Saturday, then that was it. I had that same plan for the last several years. I’m not a big drinker. Yes, when I lived in Germany for a few years, I would hit it hard at certain points, but there were other points when I would generally never touched anything. With…



Jacob K Thomas

Writer. Cook. Traveler. Photographer. Featured on the Food Network and newspapers around America.